This was inspired by Peter Wilberg's book "The Qualia Revolution: From Quantum Physics to Cosmic Qualia Science"
"Qualia are not phenomenon we can become aware of through the senses, instrumental detection and measurement or mathematic calculations. Instead they are patterned field-qualities of awareness. Qualia are not objective perceptual qualities but qualities of awareness. It is when we look at things only as objects of perception that we perceive their qualities but we cease to be aware of the qualia they give expression to."
"At the core of each qualia is a unique field-quality of awareness with its own tonality. Just as musical notes have a quality of warmth and coolness, light and dark, so do these qualitative tonalities of awareness. The individual ‘soul’, or psyche, is a grouping of qualia with its own dynamic pattern of inner tonality—its own inner music. All physical bodies, from atoms and molecules to cells and living organisms are understood as the outwardly perceived form taken by psychic qualia gestalts—patterned tonalities and qualities of awareness, on the atomic, molecular, cellular level. We ourselves are such qualia gestalts. But our soul also has tonalities of awareness expressed through us, our ‘soul tone’ which allows us to resonate with other beings."